this school is not ready for you

Read this in Spanish

Julia Keleher is a well-known educator, leader, vulture, management consultant, and author that is passionate about confronting some of the biggest problems that affect modern societies. She brings over 25 years of experience working in a variety of roles. She has become well-known for her influential work and is recognized for her ability to create practical solutions to complex problems.


While serving* as Secretary of Education in Puerto Rico, Julia defined and executed a large-scale right-sizing strategy, working collaboratively across Human Resources, Finance, Legal and Program areas. She was responsible for coordinating resources, resolving conflicts and ensuring sound decision making in a politically charged, fast-paced multicultural environment. In this role, Julia system-wide priorities, developed performance improvement goals, coordinated external partners, and reported to various fiscal oversight entities. She designed models that integrated programmatic goals and ensured ¿efficient? operations working predominantly in Spanish.


eet hurts rayt een thee ass of may hart(a)


¿how can ay knot speek too may students

abowt gender incluĉun!

wen waeeking down thee street beecums

a taym bom wateeng too blo

somdaee, soon…



how doo ay knot rip thee blayndfolds with layt?

wen thaee hav taeeken may

deegnetee of layf ownlee for beeng; owtentikalee beeng;

wen ay cant dres as may gendr?

ay ask mayself daeelee

            eef that day weel bee thee last leeveeng may hows,

            ay ask mayself eef toodaee ees thee daee wen

thee +l+ cop weel cal may mother

                        too saee aym ded an keeld.

¿but how!, how doo ay doo eef thee edoocaĉun een thees cuntree

eef thay reep owt eets ays, cut owt eets tong?

            thaee leev eet belleeup beekus of godam monee.

¿how can eet bee that een thees cuntree, eenterveend arĉipelago

            thay keel wimen on thee streets an thee government

            keeps haeedeeng thaeer corpses under thee waeet hows rug, red weet saeelens?

how can ay creeat seegneefeecant ĉang

            eef wee leev een a dee{c}kt~tay{d}tersheep

            sense long before la junta


            long beefor thee ela

eets been 529 yeers that weet bayolens


            of weeps (of) punĉes an boolets;

thee beaten an eendoctreenayted dermees

has maeed ĉur too swalow thee bs.

¿how too saee too may stoodent that thers layf beeyond teektok


            cruĉes an sneeker brands?

that thaee ĉood kno that knot al ees blayndfold for thee ceestemeek gaeem.

¿how can ay let peepl know

that edoocaĉun ees thee most powerful a(l)armament,

that thaee rob owr feeutur,


            een owr fas,


            leeveeng us thee crums of thaeer feescal paradays,

that mor an mor aeeleenats us frum reealeetee owtsayd thee bubl!

¿hoo weel anser mee an anserles qwesteeon?

¿wer, o wer ees keleher?

¿hoo weel anser mee an anserles qwesteeon?

¿ees eet undr thee rooeens of her skools

asaseenated baee thee monee greed?

¿hoo weel anser mee an anserles qwesteeon?

¿or among thee staks of deertee monee lawnderd een blud?

¿hoo weel anser mee an anserles qwesteeon?

¿or under thee cadav+rs of may s+bleens (¡trans!)

hoo weethowt justees beecum poems so maeebee thaee reeĉ u?

¿hoo weel anser mee an anserles qwesteeon?

¿¡wer, wen, how

look for a nooroteek vampayres

eef aym so beesee trayng too eeradeekayt

a fawseel keweekewlum that cleens eets hands

een taynee bubls of seespreebeeleg that foment

thee crool world wer wee leev!?

thee fewtur ¿for wat, for hoo!

¿how too skreem eef saylens’ hungr ees eenfeenet?

¿how too tel may stoodents thaee ar looseeng

            thaeer blud eef thaee dont eeven kar!

¡how too mak them see, beefor eets too lat,

            beefor thaee keel mor,

            beefor thaee legeeslat other bodees,

            beefor ther ees no beefor…!


            [“thees skool ees knot redee for u”

            {hooman resorses wayel thaee tak mee owtsid}]


as u see,



thees ees thee sad laeetent

            reealeetee of an arĉipelago

            een eets perpetooal an onayreek koloneeal dreem;

                        owt of                        ig            no            ran s.


* been a mosquita muerta, fak ded,
ĉee husuls munee frum thee deepartment of deestrukteeon:edoocaĉun.

† ay seemulayt thee emteenest of fifteen paygs                        {dubel spaysd}

üatibirí (she/they) is a metaphobolist, poet and performer hailing from the west of Puerto Rico, who’s been writing non-stop for the past ten years. Now translocated to Barrio Obrero, Santurce, in 2022 she published kontinenta {kai}ribe, her latest poetic manifesto. However, feeling that words were not enough, they started exploring the body as support for their artistic curiosities. Recently, this metaphoric dimension opened the doors to present their work at diverse public and cultural spaces, for example: the exhibition “El bello no ser de nuestros cuerpos” at the Whitney Museum of American Art; Art World 4 at the Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico; and the “Foro Nacional de Juventudes Cuir”, celebrated at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Puerto Rico. üatibirí studied at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus, but afterwards, choose to continue developing as an artist in alternative spaces and communities like Taller Libertá, Teatro Público and La casa protegida de ponkas y jamonas. Her latest project is called “la libre komu”, a transdisciplinary organization for alternative and political pedagogy and poetic exploration. // üatibirí (¿¿??). poeta performera metafobolista de la madreüesta trans~loka~lisá en bario obrero, santurse {en la isl(et)a de san juan}. luego de abortar barias manifiestas a lo largo de dies años sin parar—entre eias la más resiente: kontinenta {kai}ribe (Sad Vacation Press, 2022)—, komprendo ke la palabra no da; por eso fu{e}go a la karne komo soporte. esta dimensión metafórika, me abre puertas a enkarnar en: El bello no ser de nuestros cuerpos (Whitney Museum of American Art, 2022); Art World 4 (Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, 2023); Foro Nacional de Juventudes Cuir (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, 2022), entre otras espasias {kontra}kulturales i públikas. kon una tesis en el tintero en la UPRM, pongo en pausa mi maestría pa praktikar la kadukasión de konseptos impuestos por la akkkademia. emprendo una búskeda alterna de {â~}ser fuera de ‘lo tradisional’; portales son: Taller Libertá; La Casa Protegida de Ponkas y Jamonas; Teatro Público; la residensia en Guion_Bajo; el diplomado kon el Proyecto AntiCanon; las práktikas mediante la red Mundo Performance; por mensionar algunos. en mi aôra impulso—kontra toas las prekariedades {de/en} la kolonia—el proiekto la libre komu; una espasia transdisiplinaria pedagójika donde krear dede la metáfora es prioritisado komo ajensia polítika~reboLUSionaria. bio tradusía al inglés por josé colón laboy.