The Eyes of Words (1970)

Translated from Egyptian Colloquial Arabic by Ahmed Hassan and Elliott


When the sun drowns
In a sea of clouds,
When a wave of darkness spreads across the world,
When sight dies
In the eye and conscience,
When the road disappears
Between lines and circles,
You—rambler, roamer,
No one will guide you
But the eyes of words.


—Composed in Qanatir Prison


عيون الكلام

إذا الشمس غرقت
في بحر الغمام
ومدت على الدنيا موجة ظلام
ومات البصر
في العيون والبصاير
وغاب الطريق
في الخطوط والدواير
يا ساير يا داير
يا ابو المفهومية
مفيش لك دليل
غير عيون الكلام

Ahmed Fouad Negm (1929–2013) is one of the giants of Egyptian colloquial Arabic poetry. He is most famous for his political poems, especially his satires of the country’s ruling elites. Most audiences know his poetry through the songs of his collaborator, the singer-composer Sheikh Imam. Negm had the distinction of being imprisoned many times by Nasser, Sadat, and Mubarak.
Ahmed Hassan is a poet, lawyer, and activist in Cairo, Egypt.
Elliott Colla teaches Arabic at Georgetown University.