Speaking of Belief

Alice Friman Click to


Alice Friman has new poetry forthcoming in Ploughshares, Georgia Review, and Negative Capability. Her sixth collection is The View from Saturn, LSU. A new collection, Blood Weather, is due from LSU in 2019. She's the winner of many awards, the latest, the 2016 Paumanok Poetry Award. She lives in Milledgeville, Georgia, where she was poet-in-residence at Georgia College.

Somehow the mimosa,
chopped down in all her grace,
has produced an heir. The stump
has delivered a twig: a wee surrogate
big in bravery, tribute to no one
but a dead mother who believed.

This faith business, a mama’s job.
Each berry quickening on a stem—
testament. Past the crabbing, every
hissy fit, the new clothes balled up
and littering the carpet, still
the mother forges on. Even
after death, rattling in the brain
for good or ill, witness or cop,
sympathizer or the never-to-heal
cut of I told you so. But always
the voice. Blood is blood.

What other offer is there?
