Art and the Individual

Art not only has value for an individual, but also for a society.  Art is a form of expression that instantaneously develops a relationship or creates distaste.  Every individual whether they know it or not arrives at a piece of art with a preconceived set of preferences and ideals that influence their impression.  Yet, it is in these differences in opinion that unity is created.

The question what value do we assign art, can be answered not by assigning a value but by looking at the impact art may have on an individual.  Art can provide a sense of patriotism, identity, and progress for a community.  Art gives those without a voice a medium in which they may be heard.  Even today art still holds a place in our culture.  Whether it may be decoration or expression, the relationship between the physical piece and the individual cannot be denied.

Therefore, if there is a fire some may chose to collect the art while others may flee, it is simply personal preference.