Begin Again

When I welcome you into my house / the carpet vacuumed only seconds before / When I pour you a glass of Prosecco / When my son slices mozzarella for his Caprese salad from tomatoes we grew / the basil from the garden / When my daughter sautés tomatoes / with pine nuts and mint / Watching her slop red gravy from hot pot to dish is a lesson in grace / in forgiveness / in “that’s OK, we’ll clean it up later” / When I make a J with my pinky to taste what remains / When you test a bit of crab cake / held together by breadcrumbs and egg / transformed to become otherworldly / uncertainty is the flip side of hope / When I set the roasted green beans in a bone-white bowl / When we take our seats around the crowded table / and face each other / the mismatched plates / the still water / the napkins unfolded / the chatter quiets / When we read Joy Harjo’s poem “Perhaps the World Ends Here”/ it is grace / listen / this food is blessed by your presence / When we break bread / together / perhaps the world begins here / begins again / which is no small thing

January Gill O'Neil is the author of Rewilding (2018), Misery Islands (2014), and Underlife (2009), all published by CavanKerry Press, and is an associate professor at Salem State University. From 2019–2020, she served as the John and Renée Grisham Writer-in-Residence at the University of Mississippi, Oxford. She lives with her two children in Beverly, Massachusetts.