Lisa Russ Spaar

SpaarLisaRuss0806Lisa Russ Spaar is the author of Glass Town (Red Hen Press, 1999), Blue Venus (Persea, 2004), Satin Cash (Persea, 2008) and most recently Vanitas, Rough (Persea, December 2012).  She is the editor of Acquainted with the Night:  Insomnia Poems and All that Mighty Heart:  London Poems.  Her awards include a Guggenheim Fellowship, a Rona Jaffe Award, and the Carole Weinstein Poetry Prize.  Her poems have appeared in the Best American Poetry series, Blackbird, Ploughshares, and Virginia Quarterly Review, and her commentaries appear regularly in national venues.  She is Professor of English and Creative Writing at the University of Virginia.  "T'Parson's Anne" first appeared in Shenandoah 49/1.

T’Parson’s Anne

–“Anne’s nothing, absolutely nothing.” C. Brontë, My Angria and the Angrians This morning she would have me tear the clothes from the bed we share, grasping “the snow, the snow, I cannot bear its weight,” and, sure, her fingers gripping … Continue reading