Diann Blakely

diannDiann Blakely (1957-2014) published three collections of poetry, Cities of Flesh and the Dead (Elixir, 2008) being the last, and was at work on a series of poems in dialogue with Robert Johnson when she died. A stalwart supporter of this journal, Diann received awards from the NEA and the Pushcart Prize. A native Alabamian, she died in Brunswick, Georgia. Her poem “Hound Dog” appeared in Shenandoah in 46/3.

Hound Dog

Lapin au poivre, at your fork’s plunge so lavishly pungent my mouth waters in this West Village restaurant whose tablecloth we’ve already spotted with wine and bits of bread. Long since moved back to native ground, I’m foolhardy with nostalgia … Continue reading